
Quick answers to your questions about Bird.Money

Bird’s mission is to redesign the highly profitable user behavior prediction product market in a more sustainable, ethical and responsible manner. We will empower Web3.0 developers to create individualized “in-dApp” user experiences by using Bird’s advanced AI/ML wallet-level scoring products, all of which will be developed using open and decentralized tools and deployed within the industry’s first machine learning analytics oracle.

Big tech’s big data business model is broken. User data has become far too valuable and machine learning predictions far too powerful for all control and profit relating to these products to rest with the corporate leadership of a small number of centralized entities. The rise of web browsers such as Brave and DuckDuckGo and legislation such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in the US confirm that online users are demanding change.

Web3.0, combined with the proliferation of widely available AI/ML resources, represents an opportunity for blockchain to serve as the foundation for the next generation of tech companies that derive value from user behavior prediction products. DLT will ensure that users have the option to be part of an open and transparent process, rather than be simply inputs to something only a select few corporate executives can oversee and benefit from.

But, why does this matter? Simply put, machine learning has made big tech corporations inestimably wealthy but it has come with a great human cost to society. We believe that for UX innovation to continue, the users who provide the data that make all of this possible must have a say in how algorithms affect them and a stake in the profits these algorithms generate. That’s where Bird comes in.

Bird is the only decentralized oracle project designed to offer machine learning prediction products to enable a targeted Web3.0 UX.

For Web3.0 to reach its full potential, it must preserve the innovations of Web2.0 that users have come to rely upon, while leaving behind the negative consequences we’ve now come to more fully understand. This means developers must be able to utilize user data and behavioral predictions, but do so with an inclusive, rather than extractive, relationship with users.

Bird is positioned on the cutting-edge of Web3.0 as the only provider of the tools that will be vital to Web3.0 innovation.

The biggest problem in today’s big data business model is a lack of access. For users, this means everyday people are affected by algorithms that they can’t control. For developers, this means the only way to compete with established tech companies is to invest millions into machine learning architecture.

A decentralized oracle managed by distributed governance addresses both of these failings. Users can participate in setting analytic strategy, which ensures that these powerful algorithms help us more than they harm. Developers can leverage these powerful tools to compete with bigger companies without the need to commit vast resources to hiring and hardware.

There are many other definitions, but its best understood in terms of information flows.

In Web1.0, information moved only in one direction: content was posted to a website by administrators, and simply read by users. Web2.0 enabled information to move both ways, from an admin when they build a platform but also from users when they post to this platform. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google are archetypal examples of successful Web2.0 models.

In Web3.0, not only does information flow back and forth between site administrators and their users, but it’s also available to every other user and platform connected on the blockchain. So, if Web1.0 is a one-way street and Web2.0 is a two-way street, Web3.0 is an “infinite intersection” where users and platforms are interconnected by the blockchain.

Bird is a first-of-its-kind analytics ecosystem with a model to deliver turnkey machine learning products to web3.0 dapp developers using decentralized tools. Our initial set of machine learning products includes three specific use-cases, each of which has been confirmed by industry partners as highly desirable.

IDO/Launchpad Investor Score:

Launchpads can offer unique investment terms to each wallet address, ensuring that early-stage projects attract investors that are likely to support the company long-term.

DeFi Credit Score:

Lenders that use Bird analytics can begin developing risk-optimized products and liquidity markets that will attract mainstream borrowers, portfolio managers and institutions.

Ecommerce Prospect Score:

Blockchain eComm platforms can deliver an online shopping experience specifically tailored to each user, resulting in more conversions, greater profit and better retention.

Bird is a B2B provider, whose target market is primarily other projects and individual dApp developers. While currently three specifically targeted scoring products have been planned, more general wallet-level analytics products will be produced that can cater to a broader class of dApps. These general-purpose models will either be a natural byproduct of the development process for our three main products or simply fast-followers enabled by the re-usability of core model development assets.

Bird's token is a governance token. It is a low-supply token with a maximum total supply of only 140,000 tokens. Nearly 80% of the total supply is already circulating on secondary markets, so no single entity or wallet controls a majority of the supply.